Some say that the child is a crow of delight. What does it mean? Eagerness and enthusiasm in exploring new colours, shapes, structures, textures, processes and phenomena. Any child's primary job..... the marvel of the childhood. Aren't we proud of it? Yes, we are. Sometimes the pragmatic child speeds up the pace to mimic adults too! Could we stop this? We couldn't. And we never. But marriages may hamper the progress of a child in a myriad of ways. It's said that child marriages increase illiteracy, infant mortality, premature deaths or still births, domestic violence, sexual abuses and economic poverty in the society. If it's so then why shouldn't child marriages be banned? The idea has been strategically implemented by some world and state bodies. Do romance and free sex among children make the purpose of banning child marriages a laughing stuff? Yes, certainly. Then what's our responsibility? Achieving purpose or exploiting it in the disguise of the ban?
No one great job is lack of certain purpose, procedure and progress. That's how the ban on child marriages too. Children are in the process of physical and psychological development. They aren't fit for sex at this phase. Sex is a stumbling block for a child's education and progress. That's what the purpose of banning child marriages. Whether our target is to ban child marriages merely or to give a fillip to every child's progress? If the child's progress is our aim then what about the things that are causing an irreparable damage to a child's future? What's the secret behind enticing romantic or sexual feelings when child marriages are banned? Isn't this an opportunity to reap the benefit of indiscriminate business? The world isn't dearth of wise people. Let them think and act promptly to remould this opportunistic modern society.
It's a universal fact that sexualization creates negative impact on the self-image and healthy development of a child. Obscenity through tiny dresses, ads, films, sexual imageries and pornographic videos is imprinting indelible blots on the otherwise clean young minds. Is it not disheartening to see electrifying liplock kisses, sensual gestures and amorous poses on the screen which is otherwise meant for demoting child marriages? Hmmm .... yes, an ironical link between unbridled media and warping of a child’s mind! Romance and sex are being instilled in the young minds more effectively than that of school or college education through glaring audio-visual aids. No respite since a child opens its eyes in the mother's lap. No doubt schooling is compulsory. Is it serving its purpose? Unquenchable sex hormone levels are elevated to such an extent that the unmarried youth can't stop listening to some romantic or sensual music. Unknown but pleasurable erotic sensations are being ignited non-stop day and night. This excited curiosity is being illegally exploited. Now it's easy to coerce children into sexual abuses or trick them into business malpractices. The world is full of such sporadic incidents. Can't we visualize anxiety, depression and overly sexualized behaviours among children these days? Who's responsible? Are we achieving the purpose of banning child marriages or misusing it? Does uncontrollable fantasy fill the gap of child sex? Whether our business is seductive or promotive with respect to the overall growth and development of a child? We must introspect ourselves if we dream of a happy children's world. Or else the consequences echoe down to successive generations at geometrically progressive levels.
We know that sexuality is a vital part of a teenagers' life. And also know that child sex or child marriage is a taboo upto 18 or 21 years. The child marriage banning agencies or governments should promote reduction in sexual enticements rather than seduction run in the name of business or development. Who will bear the responsibility of various risks like loss of education, lack of professional skills, liable unproductive manpower, unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases (HIV /AIDS), depressions or suicidal deaths? A teenager or a bachelor certainly have a desire for sex in such circumstances, but not have the opportunity to fulfill that desire, or may on constitutional, ethical or religious reasons to refrain from acting on the urge. What would be its impact on such a person's psyche? Are we here to quieten the dormant or latent instincts or inflate the flame just to do our business? Does our multi-faceted business strategies lull the libido or mull mortido? The time is alarmingly ripe to analyse! Environmental pollution too is adding fuel to the flame of sexual frustration among the young minds. Once again we have to look back to see whether the purpose of banning child marriages is achieved or misused?