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Sunday, 10 November 2019

Products of Wrong Education System

Producers of wrong education system should understand the bad effect of excessive studies on the young brains. They are destroying the mental, physical, social, and economic development of the future generation. Both the public and private money is wasted to waste the invaluable intellectual asset of the nation. A few points have been suggested to improve the structure of our education system in the following paragraphs. 

Many questions arise after seeing the plight of students these days.

Do we truly love the younger generation?

Aren't we torturing children and students?

Are children doing education as per their wish?

Aren't we complicating the education process?

Forces behind bad education system:

Education system seems to be meant for egocentric politicians, fanatic religious heads, lovers of languages, misusers of government funds, greedy educational institutions, book publishers, stationery companies, job seekers, etc. These are the producers of  wrong education system.

Hidden child labour:

It seems that both mental and physical torture is being given to children at all levels in the name of education. Child labour is banned but not mental and physical torture to students. Animals are better that they don't torture their own babies this way. But, producers of  wrong education system convince parents that they are helping their children to grow.

Excessive academic burden on students:

School children have to study at least three languages and three group subjects in India. Students should study one regional, one national, one international and sometimes one ancient language. This kind of system exists nowhere in the world. There are less choices and options for students to choose. One language is enough to understand the world and develop life skills and livelihood. To study that much students need to spend more than eight hours a day within four walls of educational institutions and study rooms. The creators of this burden on young brains and bodies are producers of  wrong education system.

Restrictions on students:

They aren't allowed to play sports and games. They're less exposed to sufficient sunlight, play on grass, breathe cool tree breeze, listen to chirping noises of birds, and get a smoothening touch of pets. They can't make affectionate relationships with parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Children have to sacrifice everything for sake of nasty marks, grades, results and false prestige. The ultimate reason behind this tragedy is producers of  wrong education system.

Lack of proper yardsticks to measure a child's true talent:

Wards don't find time or don't think that it's necessary to improve language, skills and knowledge at home. The progress report is more important than the true improvement. That’s how producers of  wrong education system create a false mindset.

Bad effects of wrong education system:

1) Creation of less or non-productive citizens.

2) Creation of rowdys, drunkards, drug addicts, smokers, eve-teasers, thieves, chain snatchers, rapists and murderers.

3) Creation of bad business oriented culture & rituals, unhealthy clothes and garments, adulterated milk and food, cool drinks, junk food, packed food items, electronic games, bad cinema, bad films, bad serials, bad websites, bad videos with obscenity, nudity, vulgarity, sex and violence. All these bad products are created by astrayed young generation only.

Educational curriculum can be programmed as follows:

1) Only four subjects at school level Viz., (i) Language proficiency, (ii) Skill Development, (iii) General Knowledge and (iv) Physical Education

2) Improve perfect communication skills in your mother tongue. Stress upon spellings and vocabulary build up.

3) Teach remaining subjects in the same language.

4) Improve mental fitness through numerical ability, reasoning, model making, specimen collection, experiments, data collection, field visits, photography, caption writing, news making, drawing, slide show preparation, embroidery, weaving, knitting, nutrition planning, designing, poetry, mock teaching, seminars, speeches, etc. as per stipulated curriculum in 'Skill Development' subject. Here a set of options as per the interest of the student should be given.

5) Add a lesson from each subject like mathematics, physics, chemistry, botany, zoology, geography, history, political science, child rights, human rights, traffic education, duties and responsibilities, law, commerce, economics, psychology, sociology, applied science etc to the curriculum every year.

6) Improve physical fitness through physical education, sports and games.

7) In the place of +2, PUC or Intermediate make diploma courses compulsory to all students to create technicians for different departments like agriculture, veterinary science, nursing, lab technicians, pharmacists, physiotherapist, engineering, accountancy, etc. Let children become economically independent at this level itself.

8) At graduation level create just professionals as per the respective previous course.

9) Don't force students to byheart subjects. Instead teach them study skills, writing skills and oral skills.

We should now stop disturbing the minds of the young generation and distracting them from their most beautiful childhood and student life for our bad business tactics.


Don't Miss To Read The Following Books (Click over the title of the book to get full information)

1) Manipulative Education System

2) Education System in Contemporary India

3) Future of the Indian Education System

4) How Should The Indian Education System Be?

Wednesday, 6 November 2019



NOTE:  Make vegetables and fruits the main food and cereals and millets the least supplements.

There are three kinds of food lists posted in this blog. 1) food list based on glycemic load, 2) food list based on glycemic index and 3) food list in alphabetical order.


1) The glycemic load (GL) of food is a number that estimates how much the food will raise a person's blood glucose level after eating it. 

2) One unit of glycemic load approximates the effect of consuming one gram of glucose.

3) Glycemic load accounts for how much carbohydrate is in the food and how much each gram of carbohydrate in the food raises blood glucose levels. 

4) Glycemic load is based on the glycemic index (GI), and is calculated by multiplying the grams of available carbohydrate in the food by the food's glycemic index, and then dividing by 100.

MORE PREFERABE FOOD ITEMS (117 food items) Low Glycemic Load: 0 to 10

1) GL 0 & GI 0: Water (avg 3 Lt per day)

2) GL 0 & GI 0: olive oil (original, not for frying) 

3) GL 0 & GI 0: sesame oil (not for frying)

4) GL 0 & GI 0: Almond (badam)

5) GL 0: GI 0: Coffee, tea (sugarless)

6) GL 0 & GI 0: egg (boiled)

7) GL0 & GI 0: fish (boiled, smoked), fry is unhealthy

8) GL 0 & GI 0: prawns, shrimps,  crustaceans (boiled), fry is unhealthy

9) GL 0 & GI 0: chicken (boiled or roasted skinless country chicken), fry is unhealthy

10) GL 0 & GI 0: organ meat, fry is unhealthy

11) GL 0 & GI 0: Beef, fry is unhealthy

12) GL 0 & GI 0: red meat boiled or roasted (avoid in case of BP,  heart & kidney problems), fry is unhealthy

13) GL 0 & GI 0: Ghee, Vanaspati (avoid in case of BP,  heart & kidney problems)

14) GL 0 & GI 1: ajwan, vamu (caraway) medicinal 

15) GL 0 & GI 2: musk melon seeds

16) GL 0 & GI 2: elaichi (cardamom) medicinal

17) GL 0 & GI 2: loang (cloves) medicinal

18) GL 0 & GI 2: patta (cinnamon) one of the best to reduce blood glucose levels

19) GL 0 & G 2-4: kale  (avoid in case of thyroid problems)

20) GL 0 & GI 3: Stevia (sweetener) sugar alternative

21) GL 0 & GI 4: zeera (cumin) medicinal

22) GL 0 & GI 4: karela. (bitter gourd) one of the best to reduce blood glucose levels

23) GL 0 & GI 5: vinegar

24) GL 0 & GI 5: kandori (little gourd) 

25) GL 0 & GI 5: lamba kaddu (bottle gourd)

26) GL 0 & GI 5: turai (ridge gourd)

27) GL 0 & GI 6: Raya(n) (sesame, mustard) medicinal

28) GL 0 & GI 6: watermelon seeds

29) GL 0 & GI 7: kalonji (black cumin, Fennel) one of the best to reduce blood glucose levels

30) GL 0 & GI 7: sunflower seeds

31) GL 0 & GI 7: Lettuce (avoid in case of thyroid problems)

32) GL 0 & GI 10: Mushrooms. Best alternative to meat with vitamin B12 and vitamin D

33) GL 0 & GI 10: broccoli (avoid in case of thyroid problems)

34) GL 0 & GI 10: cabbage (avoid in case of thyroid problems)

35) GL 0 & GI 10: Jamun (blue berry)

36) GL 0 & GI 10: drumstick

37) GL 0 &  GI 12: palak (spinach) (avoid in case of kidney or thyroid problems)

38) GL 0 & GI 15: kheera (cucumber)

39) GL 0 & GI 30: cheese

40) GL 1 & GI 10: capsicum

41) GL 1 & GI 10: Mint  (pudina), medicinal

42) GL 1 &  GI 10: drumstick leaves

43) GL 1 & GI 10: leafy greens

44) GL 1 & GI 10: Gongura (Hibiscus)

45) GL 1 & GI 10: Methi leaves, medicinal

46) GL 1 & GI 10: neem leaves, medicinal

47) GL 1 & GI 10: onion, medicinal

48) GL 1 & GI 10: garlic, medicinal

49) GL 1 & GI 10: somph (fennel), medicinal

50) GL 1 & GI 13: Kidney beans

51) GL 1 & GI 15: olives, medicinal

52) GL 1 & GI 15: cauliflower (avoid in case of thyroid problems)

53) GL 1 & GI 15: Radish

54) GL 1 & GI 15: Aloe (juice) (medicinal in small amounts)

55) GL 1 & GI 15: Asparagus

56) GL 1 & GI 15: Celery  (avoid in case of thyroid problems)

57) GL 1 & GI 15: parsley (avoid in case of thyroid problems)

58) GL 1 & GI 15: green beans

59) GL 1 & GI 18: brinjal (egg plant, aubergine)

60) GL 1 & GI 20: haldi (turmeric), medicinal

61) GL 1 & GI 20: Acid lime (neembu)  (avoid in case of kidney problems)

62) GL 1 & GI 25: Milk, wholesome food

63) GL 1 & GI 30: butter milk

64) GL 1 & GI 30: tomato (avoid in case of kidney problems)

65) GL 1 & GI 30: pickles (salt is an issue. Take in a very small quantity)

66) GL 1 & GI 33: curd

67) GL 1 & GI 40: Strawberry

68) GL 2 & GI 14: groundnut (peanuts), may be allergic to some people

69) GL 2 & GI 15: amla (goose berry), medicinal

70) GL 2 & GI 15: walnut (akhrot)

71) GL 2 & GI 15: guava, one of the best to reduce blood glucose levels

72) GL 2 & GI 19: Fructose

73) GL 2 & GI 20: lemon  (avoid in case of kidney problems)

74) GL 2 & GI 22: Peach

75) GL 2 & GI 22: dry peas, may be allergic to some people

76) GL 2 & GI 30: Chickpea dried boiled

77) GL 2 & GI 32: bhindi (okra, lady's finger), one of the best to reduce blood glucose levels

78) GL 3 & GI 15: ginger, medicinal

79) GL 3 & GI 18: pomegranate

80) GL 3 & GI 22: cherries

81) GL 3 & GI 25: grapefruit (not grape, it's a citrus variety) (avoid in case of kidney problems)

82) GL 3 & GI 30: mandarin (Kamala) (avoid in case of kidney problems)

83) GL 3 & GI 36: Carambola (starfruit)

84) GL 4 & GI 15: Ice fruit, Palmyra palm fruit (munjelu)

85) GL 4 & GI 20: Jujube (ber)

86) GL 4 & GI 22: Lentils

87) GL 4 & GI 28: apples

88) GL 4 & GI 30: fig (anjeer)

89) GL 4 & GI 40: carrot (uncooked)

90) GL 4 & GI 40: Carrot juice

91) GL 4 & GI 72-103: watermelon (tharbooja)

92) GL 5 & GI 18: Soyabean  (avoid in case of thyroid problems)

93) GL 5 & GI 27: pure multigrain atta

94) GL 5 & GI 38: guava

95) GL 5 & GI 42: orange  (avoid in case of kidney problems)

96) GL 5 & GI 45: oat meal

97) GL 5 & GI 65: Muskmelon (kharbooja)

98) GL 6 & GI 60: Papaya (native varieties, less sweet)

99) GL 6 & GI 64: beetroot
100) GL 7 & GI 41: Mango (unripened)

101) GL 7 & GI 38: wood apple

102) GL 7 & GI 45: coconut

103) GL 7 & GI 47: kiwi

104) GL 7 & GI 52: dragon fruit

105) GL 7 & GI 92: Carrots (cooked)

106) GL 8 & GI 22: Mung dal sprouts (greengram sprouts)

107) GL 8 & GI 25: cashew (kaju)

108) GL 8 & GI 27: pista 

109) GL 8 & GI 43: blue/black/purple/red grapes

110) GL 8 & GI 54: green peas (muttar), may be allergic to some people

111) GL 8 & GI 59: pineapple

112) GL 9 & GI 33: Pears

113) GL 9 & GI 60: mango (ripened)

114) GL 9 & GI 75: pumpkin (lal kaddu)

115) GL 10 & GI 19: methi (fenugroek), medicinal

116) GL 10 & GI 20: blackgram (urad)

117) GL 10 & GI 59: Grapes (green / white)

LESS PREFERABE (11 food items) Medium Glycemic Load: 11 to 19

1) GL 11 & GI 51: banana (small varieties)

2) GL 11 & GI 55: sapota (Chickoo), use less sweet fruit

3) GL 13 & GI 23: cocoa (sugarless)

4) GL 13 & GI 54: custard apple (sitaphal), use less sweet fruit

5) GL 13 & GI 79: lychee

6) GL 14 & GI 22: Dal (redgram, pigeon pea)

7) GL 15 & GI 70: banana  (avoid in case of kidney problems)

8) GL 16 & GI 22: barley (Jav) (gluten not good for neuropathy patients)

9) GL 16 & GI 78: Sweet potato (natralu, avoid in case of kidney problems)

10) GL 17 & GI 30: Laddu

11) GL 17 & GI 52: (sweet) corn  (gluten not good for neuropathy patients)

LEAST PREFERABE (48 food items) High Glycemic Load: 20 and more 

1) GL 20 & GI 72-111: potato

2) GL 21 & GI 49: whole desi wheat (gluten not good for neuropathy patients)

3) GL 21 & GI 66: chapathi  (gluten not good for neuropathy patients)

4) GL 20 & GI 77: idli

5) GL 20 & GI 77: Sorghum (Jowar)

6) GL 21 & GI 90: Pongal

7) GL 22 & GI 58: Basmati rice

8) GL 23 & GI 34: rye

9) GL 24 & GI 68: brown rice  (avoid in case of kidney problems)

10) GL 24 & GI 72-84: white rice

11) GL 24 & GI 87: sugarcane

12) GL 26 & GI 40: figs dried

13) GL 27 & GI 68: jackfruit

14) GL 27 & GI 107: millet porridge

15) GL 28 & GI 90: burger

16) GL 29 & GI 51: Horsegram

17) GL 32 & GI 54: mung Dal (cooked), may be allergic to some people

18) GL 32 & GI 77 Dosa

19) GL 36 & GI 65: roti (gluten not good for neuropathy patients)

20) GL 37 & GI 73: Bun (gluten not good for neuropathy patients)

21) GL 37 & GI 73: naan  (gluten not good for neuropathy patients)

22) GL 39 & GI 48: parboiled rice

23) GL 40 & GI 55: Pearl millet (Bajra)

24) GL 40 & GI 85: Wheat bread (gluten not good for neuropathy patients)

25) GL 43 & GI 60: Little Millet (kutki)

26) GL 43 & GI 60: Prosomillet (chenna)

27) GL 43 & GI 60: kodo millet

28) GL 43 & GI 65: barnyard milllet

29) GL 43 & GI 95-100: bakery items

30) GL 45 & GI 55: honey (original), medicinal

31) GL 45 & GI 77: wafers

32) GL 46 & GI 60: Jowar (Sorghum)

33) 46 & GI 64: foxtail millet (korra)

34) GL 48 & GI 87: cakes and pastries

35) GL 49 & GI 100: white bread  (gluten not good for neuropathy patients)

36) GL 50 & GI 65: wild date fruit (eetha pandu)

37) GL 50 & GI 70: Rusks

38) GL 51 & GI 64: kishmish (raisins)  (avoid in case of kidney problems)

39) GL 53 & GI 72: pop corn (gluten not good for neuropathy patients)

40) GL 53 & GI 82 Poori

41) GL 56 & GI 83: oat flakes (gluten not good for neuropathy patients)

42) GL 57 & GI 75: white flour, any

43) GL 63 & GI 84: jaggery (gud)

44) GL 65 & GI 65: Sucrose (sugar)

45) GL 65 & GI 70-100: sweetstall items

46) GL 77 & GI 103: dates (khajoor)

47) GL 78 & GI 93: corn flakes

48) GL 100 & GI 100: Glucose


1) The following list is prepared according to Glycemic Index. 

2) Glycemic Index means the number of grams of glucose added to blood stream in two hours of eating the food item.

Low Glycemic Index: 0 to 55 (126 food items)

1) GI 0: Water (avg 3 Lt per day)
2) GI 0: olive oil (original, not for frying) 
3) GI 0: sesame oil (not for frying)
4) GI 0: badam (almond)
5) GI 0: Coffee, tea (sugarless)
6) GI 0: egg (boiled)
7) GI 0: fish (boiled, smoked), fry is unhealthy
8) GI 0: prawns, shrimps,  crustaceans (boiled), fry is unhealthy
9) GI 0: chicken (boiled or roasted skinless country chicken), fry is unhealthy
10) GI 0: organ meat, fry is unhealthy
11) GI 0: Beef, fry is unhealthy
12) GI 0: red meat boiled or roasted (avoid in case of BP,  heart & kidney problems), fry is unhealthy
13) GI 0: Ghee, Vanaspati (avoid in case of BP,  heart & kidney problems),
14) GI 1: ajwan, vamu (caraway) medicinal 
15) GI 2: musk melon seeds
16) GI 2: elaichi (cardamom) medicinal
17) GI 2: loang (cloves) medicinal
18) GI 2: patta (cinnamon) one of the best to reduce blood glucose levels
19) G 2-4: kale  (avoid in case of thyroid problems)
20) GI 3: Stevia (sweetener) sugar alternative
21) GI 4: zeera (cumin) medicinal
22) GI 4: karela. (bitter gourd) one of the best to reduce blood glucose levels
23) GI 5: vinegar
24) GI 5: kandori (little gourd) 
25) GI 5: lamba kaddu (bottle gourd)
26) GI 5: turai (ridge gourd)
27) GI 6: Raya(n) (sesame, mustard)nmedicinal
28) GI 6: watermelon seeds
29) GI 7: kalonji (black cumin, Fennel) one of the best to reduce blood glucose levels
30) GI 7: sunflower seeds
31) GI 7: Lettuce (avoid in case of thyroid problems)
32) GI 10: Mushrooms. Best alternative to meat with vitamin B12 and vitamin D
33) GI 10: broccoli (avoid in case of thyroid problems)
34) GI 10: cabbage (avoid in case of thyroid problems)
35) GI 10: Jamun (blue berry)
36) GI 10: capsicum
37) GI 10: Mint  (pudina), medicinal
38) GI 10: drumstick
39) GI 10: drumstick leaves
40) GI 10: leafy greens
41) GI 10: Gongura (Hibiscus)
42) GI 10: Methi leaves, medicinal
43) GI 10: neem leaves, medicinal
44) GI 10: onion, medicinal
45) GI 10: garlic, medicinal
46) GI 10: somph (fennel), medicinal
47) GI 12: palak (spinach) (avoid in case of kidney or thyroid problems)
48) GI 13: Kidney beans
49) GI 14: groundnut (peanuts), may be allergic to some people
50) GI 15: amla (goose berry), medicinal
51) GI 15: olives, medicinal
52) GI 15: walnut (akhrot)
53) GI 15: kheera (cucumber)
54) GI 15: cauliflower (avoid in case of thyroid problems)
55) GI 15: ginger, medicinal
56) GI 15: Radish
57) GI 15: Agave (juice) (medicinal in small amounts)
58) GI 15: Asparagus
59) GI 15: Celery  (avoid in case of thyroid problems)
60) GI 15: parsley (avoid in case of thyroid problems)
61) GI 15: green beans
62) GI 15: guava, one of the best to reduce blood glucose levels
63) GI 15: Ice fruit, Palmyra palm fruit (munjelu)
64) GI 18: pomegranate
65) GI 18: Soyabean  (avoid in case of thyroid problems)
66) GI 18: brinjal (egg plant, aubergine)
67) GI 19: methi (fenugroek), medicinal
68) GI 19: Fructose
69) GI 20: haldi (turmeric), medicinal
70) GI 20: lemon  (avoid in case of kidney problems)
71) GI 20: blackgram (udud)
72) GI 20: Jujube (ber)
73) GI 22: cherries
74) GI 22: Peach
75) GI 22: Mung dal sprouts
76) GI 22: barley (Jav) (gluten not good for neuropathy patients)
77) GI 22: Dal (redgram, pigeon pea)
78) GI 22: Lentils
79) GI 22: dried peas, may be allergic to some people
80) GI 23: cocoa (sugarless)
81) GI 25: Milk, wholesome food
82) GI 20: Acid lime (neembu)  (avoid in case of kidney problems)
83) GI 25: grapefruit (not grape, it's a citrus variety) (avoid in case of kidney problems)
84) GI 25: cashew (kaju)
85) GI 27: pista
86) GI 27: pure multigrain atta
87) GI 28:  Chickpeas 
88) GI 30: fig (anjeer)
89) GI 30: Chickpea dried boiled
90) GI 30: butter milk
91) GI 30: Laddu
92) GI 30: tomato (avoid in case of kidney problems)
93) GI 30: mandarin (Kamala) (avoid in case of kidney problems)
94) GI 30: cheese
95) GI 30: pickles (salt is an issue. Take in a very small quantity)
96) GI 31: orange  (avoid in case of kidney problems)
97) GI 31: mung dal (green gram)
98) GI 32: bhindi (okra, lady's finger), one of the best to reduce blood glucose levels
99) GI 33: curd
100) GI 33: Pears
101) GI 33: Chana (chickpea), may be allergic to some people may be allergic to some people
102) GI 34: apples
103) GI 34: rye
104) GI 36: Carambola (starfruit)
105) GI 40: carrot (uncooked)
106) GI 40: Carrot juice
107) GI 40: figs dried
108) GI 41: Mango (unripened)
109) GI 45: oat meal
110) GI 45: coconut
111) GI 45: minapattu/pesarattu
112) GI 47: kiwi
113) GI 48: strawberry
114) GI 48: parboiled rice
115) GI 49: blue/black/purple/red grapes
116) GI 49: whole desi wheat (gluten not good for neuropathy patients)
117) GI 51: Horsegram
118) GI 51: banana (small varieties)
119) GI 52: dragon fruit
120) GI 52: (sweet) corn just  (gluten not good for neuropathy patients)
121) GI 54: mung Dal (cooked), may be allergic to some people
122) GI 54: green peas (matter), may be allergic to some people
123) GI 54: custard apple (sitaphal), use less sweet fruit
124) GI 55: Pearl millet (Bajra)
125) GI 55: honey (original), medicinal
126) GI 55: sapota (Chickoo), use less sweet fruit

Medium Glycemic Index (56 to 70) (20 food items)

1) GI 58: Basmati rice
2) GI 59: Grapes (green / white)
3) GI 60: Jowar (Sorghum)
4) GI 60: Little Millet (kutki)
5) GI 60: Prosomillet (chenna)
6) GI 60: kodo millet
7) GI 65: barnyard milllet
8) GI 64: foxtail millet (korra)
9) GI 60: Papaya (native varieties, less sweet)
10) GI 60: mango (ripened)
11) GI 64: beetroot
12) GI 64: kishmish (raisins)  (avoid in case of kidney problems)
13) GI 65: Muskmelon (kharbooja)
14) GI 65: roti (gluten not good for neuropathy patients)
15) GI 65: Sucrose (sugar)
16) GI 65: wild date fruit (eetha pandu)
17) GI 66: pineapple
18) GI 66: chapathi  (gluten not good for neuropathy patients)
19) GI 68: jackfruit
20) GI 68: brown rice  (avoid in case of kidney problems)

High Glycemic Index (more than 70) (36 food items)

1) GI 70: banana  (avoid in case of kidney problems)
2) GI 70: fruit juices with sugar
3) GI 70: Rusks
4) GI 70-100: junk food
5) GI 70-100: sweetstall items
6) GI 72-103: watermelon (tharbooja)
7) GI 72: pop corn (gluten not good for neuropathy patients)
8) GI 72-84: rice
9) GI 72-111: potato
10) GI 72: biryani rice
11) GI 73: Bun (gluten not good for neuropathy patients)
12) GI 73: naan  (gluten not good for neuropathy patients)
13) GI 75: pumpkin (lal kaddu)
14) GI 75: white flour, any
15) GI 77: Sorghum (Jowar)
16) GI 77: idli
17) GI 77 Dosa
18) GI 77: wafers
19) GI 78: Sweet potato (natralu, avoid in case of kidney problems)
20) GI 79: lychee
21) GI 79: Butter rice
22) GI 82 Poori
23) GI 83: oat flakes (gluten not good for neuropathy patients)
24) GI 84: jaggery (gud)
25) GI 85: Wheat bread (gluten not good for neuropathy patients)
26) GI 87: sugarcane
27) GI 87: cakes and pastries
28) GI 90: Pongal
29) GI 90: burger
30) GI 92: Carrots (cooked)
31) GI 93: corn flakes
32) GI 95-100: bakery items
33) GI 100: white bread  (gluten not good for neuropathy patients)
34) GI 100: Glucose 
35) GI 103: dates (khajoor)
36) GI 107: millet porridge


1) Aloe (juice) (medicinal in small amounts), GL 1 & GI 15
2) Ajwan, vamu (caraway) medicinal, GL 0 & GI 1
3) Almond (badam), GL 0 & GI 0
4) Amla (goose berry), medicinal, GL 2 & GI 15
5) Apples, GL 4 & GI 28
6) Asparagus, GL 1 & GI 15
7) Bakery items, GL 43 & GI 95-100
8) Banana (small varieties), GL 11 & GI 51
9) Banana, long, (avoid in case of kidney problems), GL 15 & GI 70
10) Barley (Jav) (gluten not good for neuropathy patients), GL 16 & GI 22
11) Barnyard milllet, GL 43 & GI 65
12) Basmati rice, GL 22 & GI 58
13) Beans, GL 1 & GI 15
14) Beef, fry is unhealthy, GL 0 & GI 0
15) Beetroot, GL 6 & GI 64
16) Bitter gourd (Karela), one of the best to reduce blood glucose levels, GL 0 & GI 4
17) Black cumin, Fennel, kalonji, one of the best to reduce blood glucose levels, GL 0 & GI 7
18) Blackgram (urad), GL 10 & GI 20
19) Bottle gourd (lamba kaddu), GL 0 & GI 5
20) Broccoli (avoid in case of thyroid problems), GL 0 & GI 10
21) Brown rice  (avoid in case of kidney problems), GL 24 & GI 68
22) Bun (gluten not good for neuropathy patients), GL 37 & GI 73
23) Burger, GL 28 & GI 90
24) Butter milk, GL 1 & GI 30
25) Cabbage (avoid in case of thyroid problems), GL 0 & GI 10
26) Cakes and pastries, GL 48 & GI 87
27) Capsicum, GL 1 & GI 10
28) Carambola (starfruit), GL 3 & GI 36:
29) Carrot (uncooked), GL 4 & GI 40
30) Carrot juice, GL 4 & GI 40
31) Carrots (cooked), GL 7 & GI 92
32) Cashew (kaju), GL 8 & GI 25
33) Cauliflower (avoid in case of thyroid problems), GL 1 & GI 15
34) Celery  (avoid in case of thyroid problems), GL 1 & GI 15
35) Chapathi  (gluten not good for neuropathy patients), GL 21 & GI 66
36) Cheese, GL 0 & GI 30
37) Cherries, GL 3 & GI 22
38) Chicken (boiled or roasted skinless country chicken), fry is unhealthy, GL 0 & GI 0:
39) Chickpea, Bengal gram,  may be allergic to some people, GL 20 & GI 33
40) Chickpea, Bengalgram,  dried boiled, GL 2 & GI 30:
41) Cinnamon (Patta) one of the best to reduce blood glucose levels, GL 0 & GI 2
42) Cloves(loang) medicinal, GL 0 & GI 2
43) Cocoa (sugarless), GL 13 & GI 23
44) Coconut, GL 7 & GI 45
45) Coffee, tea (sugarless), GL 0: GI 0
46) Corn flakes, GL 78 & GI 93
47) Cucumber, kheera, GL 0 & GI 15
48) Cumin (zeera) medicinal,  GL 0 & GI 4
49) Curd, GL 1 & GI 33
50) Custard apple (sitaphal), use less sweet fruit, GL 13 & GI 54
51) Dates (khajoor), GL 77 & GI 103
52) Dosa, GL 32 & GI 77
53) Dragon fruit, GL 7 & GI 52
54) Drumstick leaves, GL 1 &  GI 10
55) Drumstick, GL 0 & GI 10
56) Egg (boiled), GL 0 & GI 0:
57) Eggplant, brinjal,  aubergine, GL 1 & GI 18
58) Elaichi (cardamom) medicinal, GL 0 & GI 2
59) Fennel, somph, medicinal, GL 1 & GI 10
60) Fenugreek leaves, methi leaves, medicinal, GL 1 & GI 10
61) Fenugroek, methi, medicinal, GL 10 & GI 19
62) Fig (anjeer), GL 4 & GI 30
63) Figs dried, GL 26 & GI 40
64) Fish (boiled, smoked), fry is unhealthy GL0 & GI 0
65) Foxtail millet (korra), 46 & GI 64
66) Fructose, GL 2 & GI 19
67) Garlic, medicinal, GL 1 & GI 10
68) Ghee, Vanaspati (avoid in case of BP,  heart & kidney problems), GL 0 & GI 0
69) Ginger, medicinal, GL 3 & GI 15
70) GL 8 & GI 54
71) Glucose, GL 100 & GI 100
72) Gongura, Hibiscus leafy green, GL 1 & GI 10
73) Grapefruit (not grape, it's a citrus variety) (avoid in case of kidney problems), GL 3 & GI 25
74) Grapes (green / white), GL 10 & GI 59
75) Grapes, blue/black/purple/red, GL 8 & GI 43
76) Green gram, moong dal, dry GL 20 & GI 31
77) Greengram, Mung dal sprouts, GL 8 & GI 22
78) Guava, one of the best to reduce blood glucose levels, GL 2 & GI 15
79) Honey (original), medicinal, GL 45 & GI 55
80) Horsegram, GL 29 & GI 51
81) Ice fruit, Palmyra palm fruit (munjelu), GL 4 & GI 15
82) Idli, GL 20 & GI 77
83) Jackfruit, GL 27 & GI 68
84) Jaggery (gud), GL 63 & GI 84
85) Jamun (blue berry), GL 0 & GI 10
86) Jowar (Sorghum), GL 46 & GI 60
87) Jowar, Sorghum, GL 20 & GI 77
88) Jujube (ber), GL 4 & GI 20
89) Kale  (avoid in case of thyroid problems), GL 0 & G 2-4
90) Kidney beans, GL 1 & GI 13
91) Kishmish (raisins)  (avoid in case of kidney problems), GL 51 & GI 64
92) Kiwi, GL 7 & GI 47
93) Kodo millet, GL 43 & GI 60
94) Laddu, GL 17 & GI 30
95) Leafy greens, GL 1 & GI 10
96) Lemon  (avoid in case of kidney problems), GL 2 & GI 20
97) Lentils, GL 4 & GI 22
98) Lettuce (avoid in case of thyroid problems), GL 0 & GI 7
99) Lime fruit, neembu (avoid in case of kidney problems) GL 1 & GI 20
100) Little gourd (kandori), GL 0 & GI 5
101) Little Millet (kutki), GL 43 & GI 60
102) Lychee, GL 13 & GI 79
103) Mandarin (Kamala) (avoid in case of kidney problems), GL 3 & GI 30
104) Mango (ripened), GL 9 & GI 60
105) Mango (unripened), GL 7 & GI 4
106) Milk, wholesome food, GL 1 & GI 25
107) Millet porridge, GL 27 & GI 107
108) Mint, pudina, medicinal, GL 1 & GI 10
109) Multigrain atta, GL 5 & GI 27
110) Mushrooms, one of the best alternative to get vitamin B12 and vitamin D, GL 0 & GI 10
111) Musk melon seeds, GL 0 & GI 2
112) Muskmelon (kharbooja), GL 5 & GI 65
113) Naan  (gluten not good for neuropathy patients), GL 37 & GI 73
114) Neem leaves, medicinal, GL 1 & GI 10
115) Oat flakes (gluten not good for neuropathy patients), GL 56 & GI 83
116) Oat meal, GL 5 & GI 45:
117) Okra, lady's finger, bhindi, one of the best to reduce blood glucose levels, GL 2 & GI 32
118) Olive oil (original, not for frying), GL 0 & GI 0
119) Olives, medicinal, GL 1 & GI 15
120) Onion, medicinal, GL 1 & GI 10
121) Orange  (avoid in case of kidney problems), GL 5 & GI 42
122) Organ meat, fry is unhealthy, GL 0 & GI 0
123) Papaya (native varieties, less sweet), GL 6 & GI 60
124) Parboiled rice, GL 39 & GI 48
125) Parsley (avoid in case of thyroid problems), GL 1 & GI 15
126) Peach, GL 2 & GI 22
127) Peanut, groundnut, may be allergic to some people, GL 2 & GI 14
128) Pearl millet (Bajra), GL 40 & GI 55
129) Pears, GL 9 & GI 33
130) Peas (dry), may be allergic to some people, GL 2 & GI 22
131) Pickles (salt is an issue. Take in a very small quantity), GL 1 & GI 30
132) Pigeon pea, dal, redgram, GL 14 & GI 22
133) Pineapple, GL 8 & GI 59
134) Pista, GL 8 & GI 27
135) Pomegranate, GL 3 & GI 18
136) Pongal, GL 21 & GI 90
137) Poori, GL 53 & GI 82
138) Pop corn (gluten not good for neuropathy patients), GL 53 & GI 72
139) Potato, GL 20 & GI 72-111
140) Prawns, shrimps,  crustaceans (boiled), fry is unhealthy, GL 0 & GI 0
141) Prosomillet (chenna), GL 43 & GI 60
142) Pumpkin (lal kaddu), GL 9 & GI 75
143) Radish, GL 1 & GI 15
144) Red meat boiled or roasted (avoid in case of BP,  heart & kidney problems), fry is unhealthy, GL 0 & GI 0
145) Ridge gourd (turai), GL 0 & GI 5
146) Roti (gluten not good for neuropathy patients), GL 36 & GI 65
147) Rusks, GL 50 & GI 70
148) Rye, GL 23 & GI 34
149) Sapota (Chickoo), use less sweet fruit, GL 11 & GI 55
150) Sesame oil (not for frying),  GL 0 & GI 0
151) Sesamum, mustard (Raya) medicinal, GL 0 & GI 6
152) Soyabean  (avoid in case of thyroid problems), GL 5 & GI 18
153) Spinach, palak (avoid in case of kidney or thyroid problems), GL 0 &  GI 12
154) Stevia (sweetener) sugar alternative, GL 0 & GI 3
155) Strawberry, GL 1 & GI 40
156) Sucrose (sugar), GL 65 & GI 65
157) Sugarcane, GL 24 & GI 87
158) Sunflower seeds, GL 0 & GI 7
159) Sweet corn  (gluten not good for neuropathy patients), GL 17 & GI 52
160) Sweet potato (natralu, avoid in case of kidney problems), GL 16 & GI 78
161) Sweetstall items, GL 65 & GI 70-100
162) Tomato (avoid in case of kidney problems),  GL 1 & GI 30
163) Turmeric, medicinal, GL 1 & GI 20
164) Vinegar, GL 0 & GI 5
165) Wafers, GL 45 & GI 77
166) Walnut (akhrot), GL 2 & GI 15
167) Water, GL 0 & GI 0 (avg 3 Lt per day)
168) Watermelon (tharbooja), GL 4 & GI 72-103
169) Watermelon seeds, GL 0 & GI 6
170) Wheat bread (gluten not good for neuropathy patients), GL 40 & GI 85
171) White bread  (gluten not good for neuropathy patients), GL 49 & GI 100
172) White flour, any, GL 57 & GI 75
173) White rice, GI 24 & GI 72-84
174) Whole desi wheat (gluten not good for neuropathy patients), GL 21 & GI 49
175) Wild date fruit (eetha pandu), GL 50 & GI 65
176) Wood apple, GL 7 & GI 38

Note: please help improve the list

Saturday, 2 November 2019

Could Artificial Lighting Cause Diabetes Type 2?

1) Diabetes type 2 is caused by insulin resistance in body cells.
2) Insulin is a hormone secreted by pancreas.
3) Insulin resistance results in less absorption of glucose by cells and consequently its higher concentration in blood. 
4) Insulin resistance is due to another hormone called cortisol. 
5) Cortisol is produced in the cortex of adrenal glands, located on kidneys.
6) Cortisol production is regulated by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).
7) Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)  is produced by anterior pituitary gland.
8) Anterior pituitary gland is stimulated by corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH).
9) Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) is released from the hypothalamus.
10) The hypothalamus is located on the undersurface of the brain. It lies just below the thalamus and above the pituitary gland, to which it is attached by a stalk. It is an extremely complex part of the brain containing many regions with highly specialised functions.
11) The hypothalamus is considered as the key brain region for the control of homeostasis. 
12) Homeostasis refers to maintainance of a state of internal balance and physical wellbeing in spite of internal changes or outside factors. 
13) Hypothalamic dysfunction may occur due to head injuries,  growth hormone deficiency,  birth defects involving the brain or hypothalamus, tumors in or around the hypothalamus,  eating disorders, autoimmune conditions,  surgery involving the brain and artificial light radiations.
14) When the body is exposed only to the natural light of the sun, the hypothalamus area of the brain sets its sleep patterns according to when it is light outside and to when it is dark.
15) When it starts getting dark outside, the hypothalamus signals to the body to start creating sleep hormones, like melatonin, and to drop the human's body temperature to prepare for sleep. 
16) In the morning, when light is sensed, the body is told to warm up and to produce hormones, like cortisol, that wake the body up. When artificial light is added to a human's day, the body's natural rhythms become confused. 
17) So all artificial light, including LEDs, fluorescent bulbs, incandescent bulbs, cell phones, computers and televisions can interrupt normal sleep patterns, confuse hypothalamus, that disturbs homoeostasis, high cortisol production, more insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
18) The same kind of other mechanisms may also be responsible for hypertension,  cardiovascular problems and kidney problems.
19) Lifestyle changes, bad food habits, junk food, cool drinks, smoking, alcoholic consumption, drug addiction, sedentary lifestyle, less physical activities, less sleep,  belly fat, obesity, seasonal changes and climate change my aggravate the problems.
20) The reason for sudden unabated raise in diabetes type 2 might be triggered by mobile addiction also!