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Showing posts with label architects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label architects. Show all posts

Sunday, 1 January 2017

Paintboxes to Colour Nature

Mother nature is always there to display its technicolor to lull its beloved creatures. It's always eager in spanning its vividly eye-catching wings wide enough to take the life forms into its arms. It's manifested when it starts transforming its lush green summer colours into  colourful autumn foliage full of reds, golden yellows and brown.

Is there any world in the entire universe which is more colourful and attractive than the planet earth? Are there any mega smoky factories to supply harmful paints to colour this planet earth? Is there any tourism department to paint foliage and flowers to make the landscape beautiful? Is there any great architect destined to plan and design varied patterns of colours in the natural scapes? If any little inquisitive kid ask us these questions, then what would be our answer? As elders we simply laugh and say, "No, dear, that's by nature itsef."

If it were needed to colour all nature 
and plants in the world, one can guess how many petroleum rigs, petrochemical refineries and paint factories would be required and how much air and water bodies would have to be spoilt, is beyond anybody's calculation. But the nature isn't so foolish. It generates so many colours and their  mixtures without releasing any harmful fumes into air and effluents into water to endanger the lives of fishes, birds and other animals. The nature produces everything with an intention of doing benefit to its entire living community unlike that of the human kind who wants to show his talent with the sole aim of gaining falseprestige and business profits irrespective of the damage caused to the nature through obnoxious chemicals.

The natural wonder with concentric rainbow colours around the Yellowstone's Grand Prismatic hot spring is a reflection of a myriad of pigments in different microscopic cules. The beauty of watermelon snow, pink snow, red snow, or blood snow over the alpine and coastal polar regions during summer is  nothing but the hues of astaxanthin pigment exhibited by an alga called Chlamydomonas nivalis. The Red Sea get its shade due to an another alga called Trichodesmium erythraeum.The most beautiful river in the world “the river of five colours” in Colorado get its vibrant colours due to red plants called  Macarenia clavigera, the yellow and green sand, the blue water and all the shades in between. Even the hot chillies exhibit green, yellow and red shades as they pass through unripened to ripened stages.

Every plant, tiny or mighty, has billions of tiny paint factories, hidden deep in their bodies, to produce myriad of colours and their mixtures. These factories are called plastids. Some describe them as microscopic paintboxes too. But majority of these paintboxes are green and are called chloroplasts. Green paintboxes produce green pigments called chlorophylls. A chlorophyll is a tiny molecular solar cell that traps sunlight to produce food not only for its own plant body but also for the guest animals which depend on it. Obligations won't stop here, but increase further to raise a green canvas spacious enough to be splashed with ever changing  interesting patterns according to the days and seasons. Same thing is with respect to animals and their body complexion. No any fixed monotonous pattern to disgust its frequent visitors like insects,birds and other animals. That's how the nature is creative and interesting!

By the way the microscopic paintboxes that produce pigments of different colours are called chromoplasts. Each paintbox is filled with a colourful pigment or a mixture of different pigments. But in the case of flowers microscopic paint sachets containing anthocyanins are available which are called vacuoles. Even a mega paint company fail to present a catalogue with such a huge range of hues and shades. And no one architect or a painter dare to create the  aura of colours and their mixtures as so we visualize in the natural world. The colourful pigments are always there beside the green pigments either to protect green pigments or to radiate an additional quanta of light particles to enhance their food manufacturing capacity. In addition to providing a beautiful look to the landscape they lure a number of pollinators to come, pollinate, fertilize and produce seeds and fruits.

Red, orange and yellow colours of carotenoids; blue, purple or burgundy colours of anthocyanins; and red and yellow shades of betalins are always available without a no stock board! While carotenoids paint carrots, papayas and yellow flowers;  betalins colour beetroots; apocarotenoids  paintoranges; and anthocyanins paint red, pink, purple, violet and blue flowers and apples.

But the pigments synthesised in plants are not pollutants in contrast to those manufactured in paint factories.  Plant pigments are multipurpose in the sense that they are not only aesthetic with everchanging patterns but also synthetic in producing oxygen, food, medicines, fruits and vegetables unlike that of artificial paints which give fixed monotonous aesthetic sense along with suffocating gases and carcinogenic effluents. 

If it's so then where's the need for importing barrels of petroleum, petrochemicals and paints. Is it must to choke the breathing systems of workers in factories and on high walls of buildingsto create the fake and fading complicated designs? Can't we habituate  ourselves to live in smaller houses surrounded by bigger colourful gardens all around? Why shouldn't we enjoy the colours in the perpetual ever-changing garden rather on the ever fading saddened walls? A twist is urgently needed to be given to the never quenching economic greed an ever charming philanthropic lead!

Sunday, 29 May 2016

How Do Trees Shadow Growth & Development?

Buildings are growing faster than trees, a great miracle of the modern era! Yes, kudos to the architects of the modern world -  designers, developers, planners and political leaders! Growth in buildings manifests the growth in economy, but the growth in trees can't do the same. It's a known fact that construction business fetches very high income when compared to that of tree and plantation business. Buildings bear money thousands of times more than that of trees! Then naturally it's questionable, "Why do animal activists, environmentalists and nature lovers emphasize so much on tree plantation?" When the worth of a well grown tree is hardly a few dollars then what's this mania for trees? Instead trees occupy very valuable lands to become stumbling blocks for the progress of real-estate business.

Concrete buildings are non-perishable and non-corrosive strong structures resistant both to fire and water. They are the shelters during storms but killers during earthquakes too! Very sorry please. Anyhow the toll is a proof for their crushing weight and mighty strength. As big as the construction work that much business one can expect in cement, gravel, stone, sand, steel, ceramics and paints. Mining and quarrying activities will also run parallelly to supply building materials and metals and also to destroy animal homes forever. Tree cutters will be busy throughout in cutting trees, scaring away many animals, birds and other creatures to run away and supplying valuable lumber for dream homes. Carpenters will be busy in making doors, windows and  furniture. On the basis of the construction space and number of labour-days engaged, architects and contractors will also get equitable percentages and shares. No doubt a lot of direct or indirect employment opportunities because of the housing business.

A boon to both electrical and electronic business too. As per the size of the building and number of rooms, requirements for electrical wires, switch boards, lighting and other devices or gadgets will also be there. As we know that during hot summer concrete keeps indoors hotter than that of outdoor spaces. During cold winter indoors will be cooler than outdoors. A great opportunity to push the sales of fans, air coolers, air conditioners and heaters. That's how both individuals and companies will get benefit.

On the other hand trees can't be expected to do that much. A very negligible contribution to growth and development. According to some economists more trees and less buildings means underdevelpment. Trees may be green enough to absorb carbon emissions or pollutants and inturn to release oxygen. They may be effective enough in filtering dust particles and  to save human breathing systems. They may obstruct extreme cold or hot winds from touching our living habitats. They may make people hale and healthy, but at the cost of what? Health business! Fifty per cent improvement in people's health means fifty per cent drop in health business! Is it agreeble for any pharmaceurical company or its share holder? No, it isn't.

Another thing is that trees provide cool breeze and shade to reduce temperature in and around homes. A big intolerable jolt to the business of fans, coolers air conditioners and fridges. And naturally to energy business also. What would happen to power stations,  electricity producers, distributors and sellers? Even a layman can guess. Trees and soil facilitate natural rain-water harvesting and increase in ground water levels. A very big discouragement to water business run by local or multi-national companies. Then who will quench the thirst of this business? That's how a number of demerits force people to shun the idea of growing trees.
Now we can conclude that as the space under concrete constructions increase the growth and development will also increase. As the space under trees increase there will be increase in cool breeze, shade, fresh fruits, birds, animals and health of people. So negative impact on growth and development. Trees provide a free habitable environment. Then what about the business of artificial environment fabricated due to modern technological advancements! 

Besides that trees damage beautiful architectural masterpieces by shaking foundations and shrinking walls, obstruct building elevations, develop cracks in drainage systems and interfere with overhead electric lines. Trees may attract nasty insects and birds too. It's an unbearable nuisance. So it's always better to keep trees away! That's how trees shadow the process of growth and development!