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Showing posts with label economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label economy. Show all posts

Sunday, 29 May 2016

How Do Trees Shadow Growth & Development?

Buildings are growing faster than trees, a great miracle of the modern era! Yes, kudos to the architects of the modern world -  designers, developers, planners and political leaders! Growth in buildings manifests the growth in economy, but the growth in trees can't do the same. It's a known fact that construction business fetches very high income when compared to that of tree and plantation business. Buildings bear money thousands of times more than that of trees! Then naturally it's questionable, "Why do animal activists, environmentalists and nature lovers emphasize so much on tree plantation?" When the worth of a well grown tree is hardly a few dollars then what's this mania for trees? Instead trees occupy very valuable lands to become stumbling blocks for the progress of real-estate business.

Concrete buildings are non-perishable and non-corrosive strong structures resistant both to fire and water. They are the shelters during storms but killers during earthquakes too! Very sorry please. Anyhow the toll is a proof for their crushing weight and mighty strength. As big as the construction work that much business one can expect in cement, gravel, stone, sand, steel, ceramics and paints. Mining and quarrying activities will also run parallelly to supply building materials and metals and also to destroy animal homes forever. Tree cutters will be busy throughout in cutting trees, scaring away many animals, birds and other creatures to run away and supplying valuable lumber for dream homes. Carpenters will be busy in making doors, windows and  furniture. On the basis of the construction space and number of labour-days engaged, architects and contractors will also get equitable percentages and shares. No doubt a lot of direct or indirect employment opportunities because of the housing business.

A boon to both electrical and electronic business too. As per the size of the building and number of rooms, requirements for electrical wires, switch boards, lighting and other devices or gadgets will also be there. As we know that during hot summer concrete keeps indoors hotter than that of outdoor spaces. During cold winter indoors will be cooler than outdoors. A great opportunity to push the sales of fans, air coolers, air conditioners and heaters. That's how both individuals and companies will get benefit.

On the other hand trees can't be expected to do that much. A very negligible contribution to growth and development. According to some economists more trees and less buildings means underdevelpment. Trees may be green enough to absorb carbon emissions or pollutants and inturn to release oxygen. They may be effective enough in filtering dust particles and  to save human breathing systems. They may obstruct extreme cold or hot winds from touching our living habitats. They may make people hale and healthy, but at the cost of what? Health business! Fifty per cent improvement in people's health means fifty per cent drop in health business! Is it agreeble for any pharmaceurical company or its share holder? No, it isn't.

Another thing is that trees provide cool breeze and shade to reduce temperature in and around homes. A big intolerable jolt to the business of fans, coolers air conditioners and fridges. And naturally to energy business also. What would happen to power stations,  electricity producers, distributors and sellers? Even a layman can guess. Trees and soil facilitate natural rain-water harvesting and increase in ground water levels. A very big discouragement to water business run by local or multi-national companies. Then who will quench the thirst of this business? That's how a number of demerits force people to shun the idea of growing trees.
Now we can conclude that as the space under concrete constructions increase the growth and development will also increase. As the space under trees increase there will be increase in cool breeze, shade, fresh fruits, birds, animals and health of people. So negative impact on growth and development. Trees provide a free habitable environment. Then what about the business of artificial environment fabricated due to modern technological advancements! 

Besides that trees damage beautiful architectural masterpieces by shaking foundations and shrinking walls, obstruct building elevations, develop cracks in drainage systems and interfere with overhead electric lines. Trees may attract nasty insects and birds too. It's an unbearable nuisance. So it's always better to keep trees away! That's how trees shadow the process of growth and development!

Monday, 9 May 2016

3C's from Development or 3R's for Environment

It's being said that the world has been evolving since its origin and is termed as "evolution", the feature of the uncivilized poor creatures. Isn't it inferior to apply this word to the superior human? Yes. That's why a new and powerful word has been invented -  "development", the most pleasing and popular word  of the era. The only word which enlivens the spirit of every human being cutting across age, gender, caste, creed, organization, profession and status is development. There's hardly any  field or person who's ignorant or oblivious of this word development. All our revolutions, politics, legislations, plans, budgets, economies, innovations and inventions revolve around this word only. 

We can call it the nuclear centre of the modern world. Even medications of doctors and prayers of devotees are not out of the orbits of this word!  "Many diseases need to develop the medical field" and "many a number of rich devotees to enrich religious organizations" have become mottos for a few! Everywhere it seems prosperity. Only some saddists might be against this. How long we have to worry about humanity, that's there for centuries!  Create novelty. Even though it's meaningless. That's what development means -the word of eagerness, enthusiasm, energy and optimism.

On the contrary there is another strange word that tries to slow down the pace of development called "environment".  Even the personnel and heads of the environmental department are afraid of this word. Some consider this word as the word of pessimists. Why do so .... ? Because it suggests 3R's. 3R's are nothing but Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The first word REDUCE is the deadliest of all - the ferocious enemy to threaten the rapid growth and development of the modern world.

The word REDUCE suggests reduction in the procees of deforestation, mining, refining,  fabrication, manufacturing,  production,  transport,  distribution and ultimately destruction and pollution. It suggests to shorten or remove the links in the elaborate chain of growth and development. Could any optimist bear this to happen? Certainly, couldn't. Even an illiterate person can't tolerate this. Let the doomsday happen or the hell come down, there shouldn't be even a slightest jolt to delink the stages in the process of our pet development. Otherwise the consequences will be dire and many reductions may happen. 

Money value comes down and stock markets collapse if there will be reduction in the size of well furnished buildings, length of roads, number of posh vehicles, number of clubs or pubs and quantum of enjoyment or entertainment. Further some great lives may crash down to the status of a common man, totally dry and monotonous. No question of extravaganza, luxuries and class differences in the society - haves and have nots,  class and mass, posh and poor will be no more. What's the meaning of living a life then? That's why only a few want that REDUCE. If anybody wants let the remaining two words REUSE and RECYCLE be adopted. Definitely these two things are suitable for the teaming millions of common and poor people. Reuse the things discarded by the haves and recycle the things desperately left by the have nots.

Instead you see 3C's. How beautiful and appealing these three letters to our eyes! Constructions,  Contracts and Commissions - the three basics for mega development. Whether it's an individual or a nation that can't develop without these 3C's. Mind it! Increase constructions; so don't bother about destructions. Construct as many buildings and roads as possible. People call you the architect of the nation. The well wisher of the people. The messiah. The saviour.  And so on. Popularity, vote bank and money thrive there forever for you. How could anyone expect major contracts and Commissions without construction activities? How could anyone expect vigorous minting, lavish spending and secretive savings of money without contracts and commissions? So go ahead. Won't  we all agree? Yes, we do our boss! The human world is so much mentally prepared by the preachers of development that the word environment looks old and shabby.

Still one more point disturbs everyone's mind. When we are endowed with so many furnishings and luxuries then whycan't we live a peaceful,  disease- and tension-free living? Have we missed anything else? ........ Many more answerable questions reverberate in the minds of the intellectuals. Many more choises flash before their eyes. Does this biological creature need natural breeze or air conditioned synthetic enclosures? Cool grass-cladded soil or glossy floorings? Colourful flowers or confusing paintings? Shade of trees or radiating concrete slabs? Chirpings of birds or deafening musical sounds?  Company of affectionate animals or inanimate vehicles? Dark starry nights or blinding lights? Anyhow the modern wise man has many choices to choose out of either 3C's or 3R's.