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Saturday 14 May 2016

Please Protect Young Innocent Eyes

Eyes are there to pronounce the beauty of the facial features more sharply and wittigly than those of the words. The colour of the eyes is an highlight to the body appearance. Eyes are not only the entrance to the heart but also the windows to the outside world.  Eyes are there to peep deep into the thoughts and feelings of the dear and near. Haven't you felt the icy looks of your beloved ones melting down your heart several times?

The beauty of the World, ighting and darkness, senses of touch, taste and smell, distinguishing of colours and shapes can't be perceived without eyes. The brain can't tag memories well without visual images from eyes. Generations can't inherit their cultures and traditions without gene embedded images clicked by eyes. Could we expect reading a book, catching or hitting a ball, safe wading through obstacle laden path or  driving a car without eyes? No, we couldn't be. The chief organizers of majority of body motions -  eyes!

Could we imagine mirrors,  lenses, microscopes, telescopes, cameras, cinemas,  computers, television sets, mobile phones, iPhones and ipads around us without such wonderful eyes?  No, possibly not. The thing is that these gadgets are meant for intensifying the taste and knowledge of  eyes but not to affect the sight of eyes. Judicious utilization is a must. Otherwise the devices will become early death traps. Too much is bad! Here the responsibility of elders increase tremendously to protect not only the eyes but also the future of the young ones. Instead of immersing ourselves in the abundantly available sea of enjoyment and entertainment we the elders could become the counsellors and guides to the younger generations. The young should be made aware of dry eye syndrome, computer vision syndrome and early myopia - the outputs of prolonged TV watching, computer screen staring, e-book reading  and endless text message scanning. The hardly blinking addicted eyes may develop cracks in superficial corneal layers to compound the defects. But don't worry! 

A number of optometrists are there to correct the early eye defects. Consulting eye  specialists shouldn't be delayed. Vitamin-A rich fruits and vegetables help a lot. Appealing greenery of days and cooling darkness of nights are always safe for improving eye sight. Light pollution should be avoided as much as possible to safeguard the brightness of the young  eyes. Besides that a number of super specialists are awaiting to deal with  cancers, obesity, heart diseases, lung diseases, fatty liver disease, diabetes, kidney diseases, neurological disorders and sometimes even  suicidal desires too. But tne young needn't to think of that. It's suggested to reduce the hours of  engagement with these electronic gadgets for less than three and half hours a day. The young ones should be the physically active persons in the society. Otherwise the young world would be a mere stuff of physical and mental trauma. We know that physical inactivity is the root cause of many dreadful diseases due to sedentary lifestyles. But the young should be motivated to physically involve themselves in games and sports.

Anyhow the man is mortal, but not immoral. The children are yet physically and mentally growing. They  aren't biologically fit for sex. That's why child marriages are banned by national and international bodies. Many health organizations are warning against  universal prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases also.  Prevention is better than cure. Prevent romantic or sexual arousals among children by preventing watching of obscenity. Don't let on line addiction to distract children from their studies, careers and professions. Don't make children victims to venereal diseases too. Otherwise this will be a kind of disappointment and desperation for parents and well-wishers for ever. 

Save young eyes from endless interruptions whether in their real lives or on silver screen, TV screen, computer screen or mobile phones. If the young finds a very beautiful girl it may ignite a feeling of romance in him. If a girl is wearing a short skirt it may entice lust in him. But be cautious about the vulnerability and also the future of the young minds. A number of internet predators are lurking there to stimulate erotica or arouse genitals of young children to make their business. Be careful about freely available alluring forces around them. Convince children that there will be no romance and no sex till they become majors to get married! Don't forget this. Don't allow the young ones to become preys to the international business of nudity, obscenity, pornography, internet predatory or sex business. Instead of letting their eyes to be on this kind of attractions we better divert and motivate them to concentrate on certain aims and goals. 

The future will be theirs. Don't let the young bow before the enticing forces, instead make them conscious and energetic enough to bow down the disruptive forces. No one world power is as strong as the will power of the little hearts! Let them have good friend circles,  advisers and councellors in us. Please protect young innocent eyes to save their precious lives and bright future. 

Monday 9 May 2016

3C's from Development or 3R's for Environment

It's being said that the world has been evolving since its origin and is termed as "evolution", the feature of the uncivilized poor creatures. Isn't it inferior to apply this word to the superior human? Yes. That's why a new and powerful word has been invented -  "development", the most pleasing and popular word  of the era. The only word which enlivens the spirit of every human being cutting across age, gender, caste, creed, organization, profession and status is development. There's hardly any  field or person who's ignorant or oblivious of this word development. All our revolutions, politics, legislations, plans, budgets, economies, innovations and inventions revolve around this word only. 

We can call it the nuclear centre of the modern world. Even medications of doctors and prayers of devotees are not out of the orbits of this word!  "Many diseases need to develop the medical field" and "many a number of rich devotees to enrich religious organizations" have become mottos for a few! Everywhere it seems prosperity. Only some saddists might be against this. How long we have to worry about humanity, that's there for centuries!  Create novelty. Even though it's meaningless. That's what development means -the word of eagerness, enthusiasm, energy and optimism.

On the contrary there is another strange word that tries to slow down the pace of development called "environment".  Even the personnel and heads of the environmental department are afraid of this word. Some consider this word as the word of pessimists. Why do so .... ? Because it suggests 3R's. 3R's are nothing but Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The first word REDUCE is the deadliest of all - the ferocious enemy to threaten the rapid growth and development of the modern world.

The word REDUCE suggests reduction in the procees of deforestation, mining, refining,  fabrication, manufacturing,  production,  transport,  distribution and ultimately destruction and pollution. It suggests to shorten or remove the links in the elaborate chain of growth and development. Could any optimist bear this to happen? Certainly, couldn't. Even an illiterate person can't tolerate this. Let the doomsday happen or the hell come down, there shouldn't be even a slightest jolt to delink the stages in the process of our pet development. Otherwise the consequences will be dire and many reductions may happen. 

Money value comes down and stock markets collapse if there will be reduction in the size of well furnished buildings, length of roads, number of posh vehicles, number of clubs or pubs and quantum of enjoyment or entertainment. Further some great lives may crash down to the status of a common man, totally dry and monotonous. No question of extravaganza, luxuries and class differences in the society - haves and have nots,  class and mass, posh and poor will be no more. What's the meaning of living a life then? That's why only a few want that REDUCE. If anybody wants let the remaining two words REUSE and RECYCLE be adopted. Definitely these two things are suitable for the teaming millions of common and poor people. Reuse the things discarded by the haves and recycle the things desperately left by the have nots.

Instead you see 3C's. How beautiful and appealing these three letters to our eyes! Constructions,  Contracts and Commissions - the three basics for mega development. Whether it's an individual or a nation that can't develop without these 3C's. Mind it! Increase constructions; so don't bother about destructions. Construct as many buildings and roads as possible. People call you the architect of the nation. The well wisher of the people. The messiah. The saviour.  And so on. Popularity, vote bank and money thrive there forever for you. How could anyone expect major contracts and Commissions without construction activities? How could anyone expect vigorous minting, lavish spending and secretive savings of money without contracts and commissions? So go ahead. Won't  we all agree? Yes, we do our boss! The human world is so much mentally prepared by the preachers of development that the word environment looks old and shabby.

Still one more point disturbs everyone's mind. When we are endowed with so many furnishings and luxuries then whycan't we live a peaceful,  disease- and tension-free living? Have we missed anything else? ........ Many more answerable questions reverberate in the minds of the intellectuals. Many more choises flash before their eyes. Does this biological creature need natural breeze or air conditioned synthetic enclosures? Cool grass-cladded soil or glossy floorings? Colourful flowers or confusing paintings? Shade of trees or radiating concrete slabs? Chirpings of birds or deafening musical sounds?  Company of affectionate animals or inanimate vehicles? Dark starry nights or blinding lights? Anyhow the modern wise man has many choices to choose out of either 3C's or 3R's.

Friday 6 May 2016

Living A Comfortable Life: An Animal Or A Common Man?

It's a common notion that human beings are better off when compared to animals. We're  stigmatized ourselves in many ways. We're cruel. We're heartless. We're unkind. And so on. How many human beings are so? Majority or minority? Are our lives better than those of factory or wild animals? Let's see who're better. There's no doubt that human beings can do what other animals can't. But the common man can't get what the factory or wild animals can get!

It's said that human beings  have superb cognitive sense and consequently superb abilities like speech,  education,  training,  skill development, professionalism, innovations and inventions. Could all these be possible without a body and its master - the brain? No, never. As much as the mind power develops that much work is supposed to be generated. As much as the work is expected that much care and maintenance are required! We're  so highly educated and sane personalities that we know the values and requirements of various things around us. But unfortunately we don't  have the least consciousness about ourselves. It may look strange. But it's true! In the glare and speed of development we've lost our senses. Just like other animals, gadgets and machines we also need comfortable environment, wholesome nourishment and  regular maintenance. Have we ever thought of this? Unless our bio-machines are kept physically fit and internally intact how could anyone expect a perpetual and potential power for meaningful development or prosperity?

Just like factory animals and birds we need Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ) and  like that of wild animals and birds we need Outdoor Environment Quality (OEQ). Owing to fast track development we can expect the least with respect to  IEQ or OEQ. Then what about IEQ? IEQ comprises of air ventilation, lighting,  temperature and humidity. What about indoor air quality? There's a lot of trapping space for  poisonous gases, dust particles, bacteria and fungal spores either generated indoors or outdoors. So a number of degenerative  diseases and artificial  deaths are there to haunt the occupants. Then what about indoor temperature? A temperature range of  20-25 °C  with a relative humidity of 25-60% is said to be comfortable for the warm blooded human being, or else have to face chilled winters or hot and sticky summers. Could we dare to expect comforts in our concrete dwellings without energy and money? It's a question for majority of human beings. Off course posh people have many answers to solve this! Is there any association or union to fight for our comforts? But innumerable organizations are there to fight for material wealth! What's the secret behind pulling humans out of their comfortable natural environments to stuff into congested residential units?  That too when comforts are not available free of cost. Wild animals enjoy comforts in their wilderness. More than that factory animals enjoy superbly in their precisely planned and professionally built artificial set ups. But the only fool who has been left behind is the common man!
Let's study the Outdoor Environment Quality (OEQ). In the modern world soil and trees are thought to be hurdles for development. Instead, lengthy bitumen or concrete roads, tall concrete skyscrapers and teaming metallic vehicles are there to radiate heat, generate pollutants and release dust particles into our outdoors.  What else we need to celebrate the days of the unbridled development? That's what the index or a measure of our development. Don't let even a drop of water to seep into the ground or a bird to roost on a tree. That's the attitude of many! That's why ground surfaces are plastered and  trees are sawed down. It seems that our houses are treasury offices to stock materials rather than as living spaces for humanity to survive. Naturally octogenarians have to find out old aged homes as there's no sufficient space even for furniture at home.

Leave the comfortable living aside.  Don't even  dream of it! Days have gone out of our hands. Could we get at least some potable water to drink or unadulterated food to eat without money or energy? Isn't it the result of our deeds? Where are our cooling soils and shading trees? Where's the space and time to grow kitchen gardens and fruit orchards? Where's the value for soil,  but for land? Where's the value for trees, but for concrete cover? Questions are many. But no time to think the answers!  Aren't the factory animals living a better life in their airconditioned chambers than the common man? Aren't the wild animals in their cool and shady environments? Who's living a comfortable life? An animal or a common man?

Monday 2 May 2016

Purpose of Banning Child Marriages: Achieved or Misused?

The child is the index of social prosperity. The child's scope stands on the tripod of biological, physical and psychological conditions in close intimacy to the nature. The healthy curiosity of a child lies in exploring the unending growth of the beauty of flora and fauna, but not in watching the obnoxious scenes shooted and screaned as addictive traps of modern business tactics! The child's mental and muscle power are strengthened through outdoor games under the cool shades of copiously branching canopies of mighty trees. Yes, dexterity in hands and flexibility in body are the real investments for a child's future, also that of a nation!

Some say that the child is a crow of delight. What does it mean? Eagerness and enthusiasm in exploring new colours, shapes, structures,  textures, processes and phenomena. Any child's primary job..... the marvel of the childhood. Aren't we proud of it? Yes, we are. Sometimes the pragmatic child speeds up the pace to mimic adults too! Could we stop this? We couldn't. And we never. But  marriages may hamper the progress of a child in a myriad of ways. It's said that child marriages increase illiteracy, infant mortality, premature deaths or still births, domestic violence, sexual abuses and economic poverty in the society.  If it's so then why shouldn't child marriages be banned? The idea has been strategically implemented by some world and state bodies. Do romance and free sex among children make the purpose of banning child marriages a laughing stuff? Yes, certainly. Then what's our responsibility?  Achieving purpose or exploiting it in the disguise of the ban?

No one great job is lack of certain purpose, procedure and progress. That's how the ban on child marriages too. Children are in the process of physical and psychological development. They aren't fit for sex at this phase. Sex is a stumbling block for a child's education and progress. That's what the purpose of banning child marriages. Whether our target is to ban child marriages merely or to give a fillip to every child's  progress? If the child's progress is our aim then what about the things that are causing an irreparable damage to a child's future? What's the secret behind enticing romantic or sexual feelings when child marriages are banned? Isn't this an opportunity to reap the benefit of indiscriminate business? The world isn't dearth of wise people. Let them think and act promptly to remould this opportunistic modern society.

It's a universal fact that sexualization creates negative impact on the self-image and healthy development of a child. Obscenity through tiny dresses, ads, films, sexual imageries and pornographic videos is  imprinting indelible blots on the otherwise clean young minds. Is it not disheartening to see electrifying liplock kisses, sensual gestures and amorous poses on the screen which is otherwise meant for demoting child marriages? Hmmm .... yes, an ironical link between unbridled media and warping of a child’s mind! Romance and sex are being instilled in the young minds more effectively than that of school or college education through glaring audio-visual aids. No respite since a child opens its eyes in the mother's lap. No doubt schooling is compulsory. Is it serving its purpose?  Unquenchable sex hormone levels are elevated  to such an extent that the unmarried youth can't stop listening to some romantic or sensual music. Unknown but pleasurable erotic sensations are being ignited non-stop day and night. This excited curiosity is being illegally exploited. Now it's easy to coerce children into sexual abuses or trick them  into business malpractices. The world is full of such sporadic incidents. Can't we visualize anxiety,  depression and overly sexualized behaviours among children these days? Who's responsible? Are we achieving the purpose of banning child marriages or misusing it? Does uncontrollable fantasy fill the gap of child sex? Whether our business is seductive or promotive with respect to the overall growth and development of a child?  We must introspect ourselves if we dream of a happy children's world. Or else the consequences echoe down to successive generations at geometrically progressive levels.

We know that sexuality  is a vital part of a teenagers' life. And also know that child sex or child marriage is a taboo upto 18 or 21 years. The child marriage banning  agencies or governments should promote reduction in sexual enticements rather than seduction run in the name of business or development. Who will bear the responsibility of various risks like loss of education, lack of professional skills, liable unproductive manpower, unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases (HIV /AIDS), depressions or suicidal deaths? A teenager or a bachelor certainly have a desire for sex in such circumstances, but not have the opportunity to fulfill that desire, or may on constitutional, ethical or religious reasons to refrain from acting on the urge. What would be its impact on such a person's psyche? Are we here to quieten the dormant or latent instincts or inflate the flame just to do our business? Does our multi-faceted business strategies lull the libido or mull mortido? The time is alarmingly ripe to analyse! Environmental pollution too is adding fuel to the flame of sexual frustration among the young minds. Once again we have to look back to see whether the purpose of banning child marriages is achieved or misused?

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Why Do Nature Lovers & Saints Prefer Small Houses?

The Earth is big and beautiful enough  for those who're gifted with broad minds. They're proud to be its inhabitants. They don't even dream of any other planet to live. The Blue Planet which is endowed with luxuriant grass, aromatic leaves, colourful flowers, pearly grains, tasty fruits, quenching water, shiny days and starry nights is a heaven for them. They never insulate themselves from its natural cool breeze by raising impregnable high walls around them. They neither hate nor keep themselves out of the lap of their mother nature. That's why they're both mentally and physically safe. They don't  prefer imperishable concrete to boil their perishable bodies. Their aim is to eke out a tensionless, healthy and peaceful long lasting  life. But not a tension laden life solely for the sake of prestige,  business and money. But the world isn't sufficient for us because we're cursed with narrow minds. That's  why we restrict ourselves to the four walls of our homes or vehicles. And we strive day and night to achieve this.

How much lumber or wood we need to ready a house? Roughly  two cubic meters! How do we get it?  "Destroy about 10 mature leafy trees, stop the release of 5000 kg oxygen per annum into atmosphere, suffocate at least 100 people or animals, scare scores of birds to fly off, chase many a number of mammals and reptiles out of, and decimate millions or billions of tiny creatures!" Now we are content that doors, windows, panels and furnishings are ready. Is transforming the lively natural set-up into a dead one our achievement? ..... But many call it civilization or development!

How much iron or steel we need to ready a house? Roughly three tonnes! How do we get it? "Employ about 50 miners to toil, turn several square metres of soil infertile,  asphyxiate or poison millions of fish in nearby ponds or rivers and saturate the air with plenty of dust". 30 tons of mined dirt is ready! "Now burn half a ton of coal up to 1000 degrees Celsius. Another opportunity to add some more dust, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide and sulphur oxide fumes to the pristine air". Steel bars or rods are now ready! The transport of raw materials from excavation site to refining site and then to delivery site is an another nightmare. This adds fuel to the already burning piles of pollutants. The same kind of saga with respect to aluminium, burnt bricks, cement, ceramics, copper, glass, plastics, synthetics, tiles and so on. Don't worry. Our houses are ready. As big as they are that much we are called developed and consequently respected in the society. Don't think about others! Otherwise we will be called common men. Won't we?

But nature lovers and saints don't want animals or people to suffer. Even if we call them poor or underdeveloped, they don't tolerate any kind of damage to our body organs! They don't want even a few to breathe polluted air, drink non-potable water and eat contaminated food.  They believe that reduction in construction sizes would definitely reduce intolerable bad effects of mining, refining and transport, and thereby reducing the trauma of life. 

Small sized houses occupy less ground area to  suffocate or moralize subterranean creatures. They also let considerable spongy soil around to absorb naturally distilled rain water, besides accommodating a plenty of trees, birds and animals. They have less wall surfaces as substrata for harmful bacteria, fungi and viruses. No doubt, less requirement of poisonous paints too. Less consumption of electricity, water and maintenance. They facilitate frequent stepping of  dwellers into natural surroundings out of the choking indoor pollution!

Nature lovers and saints prefer small and simple houses to reduce the impact of deforestation, mining and transport on vegetation, animals and human beings! That's how broad minded people think. Great people think in great way. "Live and let live" is the philosophy of their lives. Transferring the wholesome nature to the future generations, for their peaceful,  free and healthy   living, is the ultimate goal! Simplest person is safest both to nature and society.  If we want to keep about 90% corruption and pollution at a bay, we've to tread the path of these pious people. Where the narrow minds try to control destruction and pollution superficially the broad minds are there to pull out the root causes abysmally! 

Sunday 24 April 2016

Builders of Super Shelters: Poor Brains or Super Brains?

Long long ago when the world  wasn't so developed  it was being said that food, clothing and shelter were the basic needs. As the "great" people began heating up the atmosphere and pouring down pollutants all around to show the mettle of their development the meaning of the basic needs too started changing.  Now the basic needs are sensed to be unpolluted air, potable water and unadulterated food, by the poor and the rich alike. So a new opportunity has emerged out as a bolt from blue  to quench our thirsty pockets! Start ups to sell moderators of air, temperature, humidity, water, food, etc are around the corner. That's where the talent lies!

But the creatures with poor-brains have no such a talent to manipulate living factors and modulate  the supply-demand curves, as they neither invent nor know the value of money. The modern man needs not to worry any more about surrounding temperature,  relative humidity and air ventilation. It's pity that the other poor creatures still try to get these factors of comfortability from nature.  We the human beings with super-brains are proud of inventing super needs like energy-driven fans, coolers, air conditioners and the sunlight-imitating artificial lighting devices for the concrete, metallic or synthetic enclosures. Unlike that of poor-brains we needn't have to depend on brainless trees, weightless clouds and shapeless soil. In place of trees we have RCC slabs, instead of clouds we have multi-billion dams, and instead of soil we have extensive terrestrial or extraterrestrial lands to run real estate business.  Why shouldn't we be proud of our achievements?  Or bank balances? Aren't  we different from these poor-brains?  Yes, we are! We should hate and keep off these poor-brains from our highly civilized societies. Do you know why? Because they don't know the meaning of civilization or development, at least!

Have you watched the poor creatures like baya weaver birds, honeybees and termites struggling to create the shelters of comfort? That too without destruction. Yes, but they're indeed the enemies of our economies.They don't want to become a part of our developmental efforts. Instead they demonstrate comfort making without spending a spark of energy or a coin of money. Should we let them to live in our vicinity?  Definitely may not ....... dirty creatures. No appliances. No devices. No machines.  No inventions. No innovations. Because they don't know how to do business! Certainly the poor-brains  are anti-developmental elements. Our scientists are yet to know the psychology of these poor-brains.  In-depth exploration may be going on in this field of studies. One thing we can't understand, "Why don't they build super shelters?", "Why don't they try to develop? " , "Why don't they deforest lands?", "Why don't they do mining?" and "Why don't they pollute their colonies?". But, why should they make homes when they can't do business with their fellow-beings? We shouldn't be amazed to find that some scientists might be trying to genetically modify the poor-brains to suit to the nice looking suicidal behaviour  of the modern man!

The pendulant spongy homes of bay weaver bird, raised sand castles of termites and waxy hexagons of honeybees are a blot on our stupendous multi-billion economy.  Is it great to build homes of natural comfort without destroying forests and punishing uncivilized animals? Is it great to live without electricity by not facilitating earthquakes or landslides while harnessing  energy?  Is it great to live in pristine environs without pollution, degenerative diseases and multi-speciality hospitals? Is it great to live in darkness without light pollution and corrected eye visions?

Absolutely a remark on our civilization! Now we can say who can make super-shelters. Poor-brains or Super-brains? Now we can say who can care for future generations. Poor-brains or Super-brains? Could we tolerate if anyone tries to build homes of natural comfort without the need of electrical  energy or money?

Friday 15 April 2016

The Other Mother's Lap for Education

Is there any place in the world equal to that of the mother's lap, with so much aura of care, love and warmness? Definitely not! Is there any primary school which can match this free gift of nature? No, certainly not. Whether it's day or night, summer or winter, healthy or unhealthy that comfort touches anyone's  heart.

Could we get the similar hospitality through out. No, not at all possible. As we grow we have to distance ourselves from that heaven of cosiness.  From primary to high school; then from pre-university to university studies, a lot of changes occur in the kind of atmosphere and care we get. One could visualize one's academic performance and its relationship with factors like availability of sunlight,  air ventilation, air quality, humidity and temperature. These factors boost up the understanding of the subject,  memory retention, creativity, and performance in examinations. Could we expect such an ideal atmosphere for education, these days? Hardly one can expect!

Luckily I used to get this kind of opportunity in natural and pristine environs around my place. Whenever I had holidays I used to squat with a couple of books under the shade of my favourite tree, Karanj or Kanuga, botanically Milletia pinnata or Pongamia glabra (old name). The evergreen tree with a massive canopy of light green foliage and all-around drooping branches was the best alternative to my mother's care. The cushiony thick carpet of fragrant, pink, purple or white tiny flowers on the ground, was the best alternative to my mother's lap. The intense heat and sunlight of the summer used to chase me out towards this tree of great refuge. The occasionally-visiting chirping birds was an additional recreation for me. I hardly felt bore-some during my exam preparations. Sometimes I used to enjoy sighting a lofty bow of gleaming rainbow through the water-dripping twigs during brief summer showers. I hardly used to feel tiresome because of the amazing cooling nature of the tree due to its effective transpiring surface. No need to spend money on purchasing energy for running fans or coolers. This is not an exaggeration, please. I used to assimilate, grasp or memorize  subjects at a pace more than what I could expect at my home or in my classroom!

Can't we present our tender children and sensitive students of the day this kind of heart touching and ever-soothing environment? Definitely we can! This will save pupils and students from increasing health disorders due to accumulation of pollutants in living places to the alarming levels. The best way for saying goodbye to Sick Building Syndrome (SBS), Sick School Syndrome  (SSS), or Sick Car Syndrome  (SCS) is by spending a few hours a day outdoors in green environments. We are not dearth of champions of education, children-lovers and billion-dollar planners in this era to save the children. A lot of scope is their to modify the present monotonous classroom system. This will also be  a way to avoid shifting of focus of students from studies to the travails of  dripping-wet-hair through profuse perspiration. Besides the colourful-but-cluttered classrooms, it would be better to have a live garden around, full of colourful flowers, attractive birds and shade-giving trees. It would be a relief from boredom too. So we shouldn't miss this opportunity of getting the blessings of the helpless and innocent children by providing tree shade!